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Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! If you are viewing this webpage then you are in some way, either currently or in the past, affiliated with AEMMC. On behalf of the Elder Team at AEMMC I want to thank you for your contributions to the church.


At AEMMC we believe in meaningful membership. Along with this letter you can find the document called “Membership Matters” here. This document clearly explains what we believe about local church membership. We would appreciate if you gave it a read as part of this process.


In order to get a grasp of who is part of AEMMC at this time, we are asking everyone who attends (online or in-person) or is currently a member of AEMMC to fill out the following short questionnaire.


Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.


Pastor Michael Krahn
(on behalf of the Elder Team at AEMMC)

Membership Review

Please select the option that best describes you:
What would you like to do next?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We will contact you shortly with the requested information.

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