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Get Connected

Get the most out of your experience at Aylmer EMMC by plugging into a Ministry Team! Serving on a team is a fantastic way to get to know people and use your God-given skills to further the Kingdom. 

Interested in joining a ministry team?

When you submit this form, one of our staff or ministry leaders will reach out to you with next steps on how to get involved. Thank you for giving of your time and talents!

We'll be in touch soon!

Ministry Teams

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace" (1 Peter 4:10).

Tech  Team

The Tech Team is in charge of operating sound, projection, and video equipment during services. We are an important behind-the-scenes team that would gladly welcome more helpers. Our operators will provide training and guidance to new volunteers.

Team Leader: Roger Peters


Usher Team

Ushers serve the church by welcoming guests and members. They also serve by handing out bulletins, collecting and counting the offering, and seating the congregation. Ushering is a volunteer role that just about anyone can help out with. Please consider joining our team of ushers!

Head Usher: Pete Hiebert

Cradle Roll

We bring meals to new parents,
organize a baby shower for first-time parents,
and once a year we organize the bottle drive to raise funds for Fresh Start Support Services.

Team Leader: Susana Reimer

Kitchen Team

Church events that involve meals are a good opportunity to connect and to help out at the same time. The Kitchen Team would gladly take extra volunteers for the following tasks: Setting and cleaning up tables and chairs at church events; Clearing and washing dishes; Serving food at large events.

Team Chair: Alvina Peters

Library Team

The Library exists to minister to the community by providing a caring atmosphere and offering wholesome media that promotes Christian nurturing and growth for all ages.

Team Leader: Cassy Wall

Missions Team

The goal of our missions effort is to win individuals to the Lord, to equip believers in the faith, and to establish churches that have the same aim. The Missions Team will seek to guide AEMMC toward the fulfillment of this purpose through the following: Teaching; Missionary Care; Local Mission Efforts; Short-Term Mission Projects.

Team Leader: John Wall

Music Team

Our mission is to use music as a means of enhancing and deepening the worship experience of our church community. We seek to develop and nurture the musical gifts of our team members and to provide opportunities for all who wish to participate.

Team Leader: Josh Wiebe

Nursery Team

We provide childcare for children age 0-36 months during the Sunday morning worship service.

Team Leader: Susana Reimer

Sunday School

Purpose: To Glorify God through the teaching of His Word so that children’s lives will be transformed through Jesus Christ.

Opportunities to join the Sunday School Team:

  • Storyteller—Deliver the week’s Bible story, as outlined in the curriculum;

  • Resource—Collect the children’s offering; tally attendance; stock and organize the Resource Room; assist teachers with resources, as needed

  • Teacher—Prepare and teach lessons, activities, and crafts, as outlined in the curriculum

  • Helper—Assist the teacher in leading children through lesson plans and activities

  • Music—Lead or participate in leading the children in song

  •  Leadership—Assist in overseeing the Sunday School program, along with existing leaders

Team Leader: Pastor Ryan Law

Building & Grounds

​Our goal is to ensure that the physical environment of our church supports and enhances our spiritual community. We strive to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us and to continuously improve our facilities and grounds for the benefit of all who come to worship, learn, and serve.

Team Leaders: Dan Fehr, John Neufeld


The Visual Arts team decorates the church building at Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. Seasonal décor is intended as an aid to worship during these seasons.

Team Leader: Tina Wall

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry Team is responsible for setting dates and organizing special events throughout the year for the men of AEMMC. Help make our events an uplifting, God-honouring experience! 

Team Leaders: Dan Fehr, John Neufeld


Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry is committed to seeking God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit by helping women find their identity in Christ and discover their spiritual gifts through Bible studies and special events.

Team Leader: Mary Peters

Youth Ministry

The purpose of our Youth Ministry is to help youth develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, ground them in the Word, by providing them the resources to grow in worship, and give them opportunities to witness and serve others. We also give them the skills and the support they need to make wise decisions at this critical time in their lives.


How Can You Help?

  • Youth Group Leader or Helper

  • Bible Study Leader or Helper

  • Sunday School Teen Class Teacher or Helper

  • Mentor

  • Prayer Partner

Team Leader: Pastor Ryan Law


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